Bull Run: InterAmerican Campus SGA set up a small rodeo in hope of raising funds for this year's official theme "Helping Animals in Need." Since the beginning of the spring semester, the attraction has raised more than $600 for the cause. ALEXANDRA DALPE / THE REPORTER Photo Briefing Photo Briefing – February 28, 2011 February 28, 2011 The Reporter Staff Kendall Campus, Wolfson Campus, InterAmerican Campus, Chinese, festival, Madeleine Albright Round Table: First female Secretary of State Madeleine Albright spoke to students as part of a Leadership Round-table series at Wolfson Campus on Feb. 23. She addressed what students can do to help the nation and the importance of global awareness. Albright also shared with students the issues she faced as the first female secretary of state. ANNA CARABEO \ THE REPORTER Cultural Display: The Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China held their 2011 Chinese New Year’s Festival at Kendall Campus. The theme for 2011 is the Year of the Rabbit. Hundreds gathered on Feb. 20 to view different performances based on Chinese culture and tradition. JULIO VELEZON THE REPORTER