
The ‘Black Plague’ Is Unleashed

On February 10, 2011 a plague was released to the world. The plague we’re talking about isn’t any ordinary vermin-carried sickness, it’s something much worse. The Rebecca Black plague is now in full effect.

The 14-year-old pop singer of the song “Friday”—an auto-tuned, poorly written and cheaply directed music video single—amassed 35 million hits on YouTube by March 22.

Quickly becoming infamous on the web for being known as an atrocity to the development of humanity, the single reached the 33rd spot on the iTunes top 100 as of the same date.

If the video goes to show us anything, it’s that dreams can come true for anyone. And if mine does, I’d love for Doc Brown to swoop into my drive way, DeLorean tires still burning, lend me the flux capacitor for a bit and let go back in time to prevent the conception of  “Friday” producer Clarice Ray.