
Trump Reminds Us That Racism Still Exists

Through all of Donald Trump’s increasingly offensive slurs, I will say this: there has been one actual benefit to having such a blatantly disgusting character in our political landscape. Trump’s presence has served to prove that yes, racism still exists in modern day America.

The constant murder of unarmed black individuals by those who have sworn to protect and serve hasn’t been enough to prove this fact because whenever minorities come out and proclaim the injustice of their circumstances, they are called whiners by people such as Bill O’Reilly from Fox News.

Trump though has brought all the prejudice out of the woodwork. He has exposed much of what the Republican Party had been too afraid to say out loud. But once they saw how a huge portion of America was responding to Trump’s prejudiced ramblings of “Make America Great Again,” people such as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, former speaker of the house, John Boehner and many others felt confident enough to back him.

The blatant racism that has been part of this nation but has always been kept silenced is now being unapologetically flaunted by Trump and his supporters, whom include an Imperial Wizard of the KKK.

In his political rallies where he has been known to shout vague one liners meant to rouse his mob, “his fans,” as Trump has previously called them, have been known to beat up protesters. This was seen when they dragged and kicked immigration activists and attacked a Black Lives Matter protester. During his rallies, he has also endorsed these actions, promising to pay legal fees for any of his supporters who meet any legal repercussions for attacking the protestors. He has gone as far as to express a desire to partake in the violence himself.

Trump and his increasingly problematic comments were first seen as a huge joke until it came time to vote and the wins kept pouring in. Trump and his fear mongering, in regards to Islam is reminiscent of the McCarthy era. This blind fear can plunge America into another dark period of shame, and that’s exactly what can happen if this man is elected.

But as what usually happens with this nation’s short attention span, and honestly the best outcome we can hope for, is for Trump and the rest of the Americans that share his mentality to be forgotten. This will sadly lead to minorities and their plight going back to being swept under the rug to keep the rose tinted vision of a happy-go-lucky good old boy America alive.

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