FCSPA Selects The Reporter As Top College Newspaper For 12th Year In A Row
For the 12th year in a row, The Reporter—the award-winning student newspaper at Miami Dade College—was crowned the top two-year college newspaper in Florida.
“It’s gratifying to know that all of the hard work we put in is being recognized,” said Ammy Sanchez, who served as the paper’s editor-in-chief last academic year. “I appreciate the time the team spent working and giving their everything.”
The paper was one of two MDC publications to receive top honors at the Florida College System Publications Association conference in Jacksonville on Feb. 10.
Urbana, the student literary publication at Eduardo J. Padrón Campus, tied for first-place in the Division A magazine category with the Kilgore Review of Pensacola State College. It’s the second time in three years that Urbana has won the honor.

Entries were based on work produced during the 2021-22 academic year.
The Reporter placed in 15 of 19 categories. They won 14 first-place awards. Those honors are best: News Story, Feature Story, Sports Writing, News Photo, Feature Photo, Sports Photo, Picture Story, Sports Column, Editorial Cartoon, Illustration, General Column, Humor Column, Comic Strip, and Website.
In addition, Ammy Sanchez and Danna Quintero won Inner Circle awards for placing in three different categories.
Since its creation in 2010, The Reporter has won 178 awards from the FCSPA, including 112 first-place honors. The paper covers all eight MDC campuses with a circulation of 10,250 papers per monthly cycle. It also has a bi-weekly newsletter, a website and social media accounts in Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.
Urbana placed in 10 of 14 categories. They won first-place awards in Non-Fiction, Art Work (Individual), Photography, Art Works, Design and Staff Page.
Camila Ramirez and Kamila Izquierdo won Inner Circle awards for placing in the top three of at least three categories.
“It’s very rewarding that as a team you can be recognized,” said Nicole Viloria, Urbana’s co-editor-in-chief this academic year. “We felt really proud that Urbana stood out to others.”
Three other MDC publications placed in the top three in their respective divisions.
Miambiance, the literary arts magazine at Kendall Campus, tied for second in Division B with the Phoenix of Valencia College and North Campus’ AXIS Magazine tied for third with the Aeolus of Daytona State College. Café Cultura, the literary magazine at Hialeah Campus, finished in third-place in Division A.
AXIS won first-place awards in Design and Editing. Miambiance and Café Cultura won first-place honors in the Poem category.
For a full list of the awards, visit https://bit.ly/3KaXp3Y.
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