
Freedom Tower Exhibit Explores Theoretical Structure Of Magical Realism

The Miami Dade College Museum of Art and Design will present the exhibition “A Poetic Reality: Magical Realism of the CINTAS Fellows Collection” from June 7 through September 21.

Located at the Freedom Tower, 600 Biscayne Blvd., the exhibition will feature the artwork of 10 artists, it will touch upon  the theoretical structure of Magical Realism which was a mid-20th century Latin American literary movement.

The museum is open Monday to Friday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Exhibitions are free and open to the public.

For more information, call 305-237-7700.

Jonel Juste

Jonel Juste, 34, is a Haitian-born journalist and writer. Juste, who earned a journalism degree in Haiti, serves as a columnist for The Reporter. He completed the REVEST program at Miami Dade College and is now majoring in Mass Communications\Journalism. From 2007 to 2011, he worked as editor-in-chief of the monthly French-language, Views of Haiti and the daily news website Haiti Press Network. In 2011, after moving to the US, Juste worked for the Haitian American news website Haiti Sentinel. Since 2013, he has hosted a monthly sociocultural rubric in Le Floridien, a Haitian American newspaper. As a writer, he published the poem book Carrefour de Nuit (Crossroad) in 2012 and Joseph, Prince d’Egypte (Joseph, Prince of Egypt) in 2013.

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