
Guys, Don’t Forget Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a dreadful day for many men, especially those who forget about it and find out on Feb. 15 that they have just missed it.

Guys, do not forget Valentine’s Day.

Many women consider this day as their second wedding anniversary. Guys, don’t forget that anniversary, it is sacred.

There are women who if asked about the importance of Valentine’s Day, respond with, “No, it’s not that important.”

If you have a girlfriend, you know that those comments are blatant lies.

I wish they wouldn’t care but they do. You will realize how important Valentine’s Day is to your girlfriend or wife if you forget it.

The first thing that may happen is that she may dump you. If she chooses to stay with you, she might punish you in a particular way. She might not give you what you want at a certain time that you desire it the most.

But listen ladies, you should not be too hard on us men. We are human. We are not perfect; we make mistakes, just like you.

Sometimes during the year, we have so many dates to remember. We have to remember your birthday, our wedding anniversary, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Women’s Day, your best friend’s birthday, your dog’s birthday, so we are kind of confused.  

Some guys play it really smart. They marry on Valentine’s Day. So they just buy one gift for both occasions. Thumbs up. Some others guys are so lucky that their wife’s birthday and wedding anniversary fall on Feb. 14. It’s like winning the Mega Millions lottery.

In all seriousness, remembering Valentine’s Day is important for a man in a relationship. That shows you care, especially if you do not pay too much attention to her the rest of the year.

At the same time ladies if your dude usually shows you he cares, you shouldn’t be too hard on him because he missed one day.

I watched a video about a device called The Manslater that translates women’s language and feelings into simple words that men understand.

In this video, a guy calls his wife and asks her if she was fine, noticing by the tone of her voice that she was upset. When he asked her what was wrong, she said she was fine and she hung up the phone.

So this dude checked his Manslater translator and it  told him: “Forgot anniversary, jerk”.

I wish that this device really existed and that it could remind us of many things that we should not forget about, likeValentine’s Day.

Jonel Juste

Jonel Juste, 34, is a Haitian-born journalist and writer. Juste, who earned a journalism degree in Haiti, serves as a columnist for The Reporter. He completed the REVEST program at Miami Dade College and is now majoring in Mass Communications\Journalism. From 2007 to 2011, he worked as editor-in-chief of the monthly French-language, Views of Haiti and the daily news website Haiti Press Network. In 2011, after moving to the US, Juste worked for the Haitian American news website Haiti Sentinel. Since 2013, he has hosted a monthly sociocultural rubric in Le Floridien, a Haitian American newspaper. As a writer, he published the poem book Carrefour de Nuit (Crossroad) in 2012 and Joseph, Prince d’Egypte (Joseph, Prince of Egypt) in 2013.

Jonel Juste has 29 posts and counting. See all posts by Jonel Juste

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