Iron Fist Completely Misses Its Target

Iron Fist is Netflix’s new original series created by Scott Buck and based on Marvel’s character, Iron Fist.
The show starts off with Danny Rad (Finn Jones) returning back home to his New York City years after surviving a plane crash, which many presumed he had died from.
Attempting to reconnect with his past and take his rightful place within his family’s company, he suddenly learns that things are not what they used to be.
The series starts off really slow. Within the first two episodes the viewer is left with many questions.
Questions like, who is this main character? Where has he been? Why won’t anyone just hear him out? Most of these questions aren’t completely answered until the third episode.
Not only does the show leave the audience with many uncertainties, but it can also be a bit aggravating to watch Danny struggle to prove that he is actually Danny Rad.
Especially since he is trying to reconnect with his childhood friends—who don’t even give him a second to explain himself.
Once there seems to be some light within Danny’s life, he is once again left alone with no one to help him.
Although the show does have a rocky start, it begins to get interesting once the audience witnesses the power Danny possesses.
The show has some incredible martial arts scenes, which can make viewers jump in their seat.
Most of the cast play their roles as if they had just picked up the script and do not completely understand their characters.
Finn Jones seems to be awkward and unsure as to whom his character is within the series.
On the other hand, Jessica Henwick’s performance as Colleen Wing brings the show a little more life.
She perfectly portrays Colleen as a strong, independent woman who can take care of herself and doesn’t need anyone to watch her back.
Although the first season was not a complete success, the show does have the potential to redeem itself in season two.