BriefingSportsKendall CampusBaseball

Kendall Campus To Host Baseball Tryouts

The Miami Dade College baseball team is hosting open tryouts at 9 a.m. on Sept. 1 at the Kendall Campus baseball field, 11011 S.W. 104 St.

Players will be tested on skills such as throwing, running, batting and catching. 

“That’s one way to show their talent,” said Lazaro Llanes, the Sharks’ head baseball coach.“They’ve got to do something that separates themselves.”

To participate, athletes must be enrolled in at least 12 credits at MDC, have completed a physical exam and present proof of insurance. 

The regular season starts in January of 2025. 

Ivette Gomez

Ivette Gomez, 17, is political science major in the Honors College at North Campus. Gomez, who graduated from Colegio Centro América in Nicaragua in 2023, will serve as a briefing writer for The Reporter during the 2024-25 school year. She has a passion for global affairs and aspires to work in the United Nations.

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