BriefingNorth Campus

MDC-TV Wins 10th Suncoast Regional Emmy Award

Miami Dade College’s award-winning television station, MDC-TV, received a Suncoast Regional Emmy for the 8th consecutive year.

Winners were announced Dec. 2 by the Suncoast Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. MDC-TV won its Emmy in the special event coverage category for Video Game Concert 2023.

The award marks the station’s 10th Emmy since 2016.

“This project was a collective effort, demanding countless hours from diverse contributors–students, technicians, volunteers, faculty, and staff,” said Ariel Rubalcava, MDC-TV’s executive director and senior producer. “Without their dedication, there would be no show.”

The concert, which has occurred six times since its debut in 2015, was led by Alberto Bade, an adjunct professor at North Campus and the director of the MDC Symphony Orchestra.

It featured variations of popular video game soundtracks like Super Mario, Skyrim and Final Fantasy performed by Bade, his students and external musicians.

MDC-TV airs on Comcast channel 78, Atlantic Broadband channel 78, AT&T U-Verse channel 99 and on MDC-TV’s YouTube channel.

Isabella Arce

Isabella Arce, 19, is a pre-nursing major in The Honors College at Kendall Campus. Arce, who graduated from Downtown Doral Charter Upper School in 2023, will serve as editor-in-chief for The Reporter during the 2024-2025 school year. She aspires to be an international travel nurse, specializing in emergency care or pediatrics.

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