
Meet The President Event At Meek Center

North and West Campus President José A. Vicente will be part of a “Meet the President” event on Nov. 15 at the Meek Center for Entrepreneurial Education, 1900 Northwest 75th Street.

The event will commemorate Student Appreciation Day and will include entertainment, ethnic cuisine and outdoor activities.

Since 1973, Vicente has served the College in various positions such as being the founding president of the InterAmerican Campus.

For more information, please contact Evelyn Rodriguez at (305) 237-1252.

Jonel Juste

Jonel Juste, 34, is a Haitian-born journalist and writer. Juste, who earned a journalism degree in Haiti, serves as a columnist for The Reporter. He completed the REVEST program at Miami Dade College and is now majoring in Mass Communications\Journalism. From 2007 to 2011, he worked as editor-in-chief of the monthly French-language, Views of Haiti and the daily news website Haiti Press Network. In 2011, after moving to the US, Juste worked for the Haitian American news website Haiti Sentinel. Since 2013, he has hosted a monthly sociocultural rubric in Le Floridien, a Haitian American newspaper. As a writer, he published the poem book Carrefour de Nuit (Crossroad) in 2012 and Joseph, Prince d’Egypte (Joseph, Prince of Egypt) in 2013.

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