Miami Book Fair To Host Writing Workshops At Wolfson Campus
Miami Book Fair will be hosting creative writing courses at Wolfson Campus starting on Feb. 20.
The courses are non-credit classes taught through the school’s continuing education department. Applicants must register through the Miami Book Fair website.

“We wanted to offer creative writing workshops for people at all stages in their writing career, whether they were just starting out, wanted to get their MFA but weren’t yet ready, were in the middle of their MFA but wanted more, were post-MFA and wanted deadlines and courses to keep writing,” said the program’s coordinator Marci Cancio Bello.
Single day workshops for teens start at $25 while multi-week classes are anywhere from $100 (4-week classes) to $190 (8-week classes.) Most courses run once a week from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Class room numbers are only provided once you register for the course.
Miami Book Fair will provide the instructors for the courses. They are locally-published authors of all genres from all parts of Miami.
One of the courses the Miami Book Fair will be providing is the teen poetry workshop with nationally-renowned performance artist Rudi Goblen. “Writing the World” with Thomas Swick where students will work on travel stories and “Love Notes: The Craft of Writing Romance” with Harlequin author Nadine Gonzalez.
“I hope to see people from very different backgrounds and vantage points sharing intimate experiences and realizing what we share in common is far greater than what makes us different from one another,” says Esther Martinez, an instructor who co-teaches “How To Tell Our Stories Out Loud” with Nick Garnett.
Each workshop will run at its own pace, but participants can expect to develop new writing skills, featuring peer and instructor feedback.
“Many writers are interested in creative writing, whether it’s getting back in touch with their younger, poetry-writing self, have a story they want to tell or want to publish a book,” Bello said. “Miami Book Fair’s mission is to build community, one reader at a time. That means supporting all aspects of literature, including the writing of new literature.”
For more information go to or call the Miami Book Fair at (305)-237-3258.