We’re Jamming: Professor Marc Magellan hosts the Miami vs. Guitar event at Kendall Campus’ Arts and Letters Day on April 6. NICOLE MOLINA/THE REPORTERA Warm Welcome: Megan Carrion introduces the Miambiance magazine staff during a panel discussion at Kendall Camupus’ Arts and Letters Day on April 5. NICOLE MOLINA/THE REPORTERIn Harmony: Miami Dade College Kendall Campus’ Chamber Singers perform their closing song Peace I Leave With You at the Vox Populi event at Arts and Letters Day on April 6. NICOLE MOLINA/THE REPORTERAnimal Lover: Author and retired Miami Dade College professor, Marta Magellan, takes questions from kids during her presentation about native animals at the Kendall Campus Library on April 5. The event was part of the campus’ 30th annual Arts & Letters Day event. ILIAN BORRERO-AGUIRRE/THE REPORTER