Living Color: Freedom of the Mind is an art piece made by Haitian born artist Fred Thomas. It’s featured at the West Campus Art Gallery through September 27 as Thomas’ exhibition Relevance. VANESSA GIMENEZ\THE REPORTERSave the Planet: Kendall Campus alum Danilo De La Torre presents his environmental conversation art project on behalf of his team during the North Campus Student Changemaking Summit on July 19. They created a solar panel and windmill generator out of jelly beans, cardboard, wooden sticks and a plastic cup. HEIDI PEREZ-MORENO/THE REPORTERShifting Gears: High School student René Rodriguez tinkers with team-made remote control car at the six-week Robotics Summer Camp Competition at the 4000 building breezeway at North Campus on July 26. ROXY GARCIA/THE REPORTER