Jazzin’ It Up: New York City based drummer Jason Tiemann performs alongside a jazz ensemble at the Jazz At Wolfson Presents series on Jan. 22. His performance is part of a rotating series that welcomes jazz musicians from diverse backgrounds to perform at Wolfson Campus. ALICE MORENO / THE REPORTERTapping To The Beat: Dance instructor Marisol Blanco bangs a conga drum to create a beat for students learning an Afro-Cuban dance routine at The Koubek Center’s Baila Little Havana class on Jan. 28. The class covers traditional ballroom, Cuban and Afro-Cuban dances every Tuesday. ALICE MORENO / THE REPORTERHonoring A Revolutionary: Musicians Alberto Miguel (left) and Luis Del Toro (right) perform a poem written by Cuban writer and revolutionary José Martí during a literary discussion about Martí’s work. The event, led by essayist and critic José Raúl Vidal y Franco, took place at Imago Art in Action in Coral Gables on Jan. 28 in collaboration with the Miami Book Fair. ALEJANDRO HERNANDEZ / THE REPORTER