The GOAT: A goat relaxes while participants do yoga at Suniland Park in Pinecrest on March 14. SEAN LIM / THE REPORTERIn Full Bloom: Phalaenopsis Orchids are among a variety of flowers that reside at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden. DANELIS OLIVERA-HERRERA / THE REPORTERSustainable Sewing: Carmen Villareal sews a pair of jeans at Pangea Kali Virga’s DIY Sustainable Sewing Workshop on March 11 at the Sagamore Hotel in Miami Beach. SOPHIA RODRIGUEZ / THE REPORTERStrumming To The Rhythm: Tyrone Iregui, the guitarist for Tamboka, performs at Ritmo Doral on March 20. The free-spirited band combines Latin and Jazz grooves. DANNA QUINTERO / THE REPORTERLatin Sound: The band Sonlokos performs at the fifth annual Ritmo Doral on March 20. DANNA QUINTERO / THE REPORTER