Cornhole Time: The Miami Book Fair held a Street Fair from Nov. 22 to Nov. 24 at Wolfson Campus, which included a Children’s Alley filled with games and activities for kids to enjoy, such as the cornhole game. GEOVANNY MARCOS-PEDRO/ THE REPORTERDIY Attitude: On Nov. 23, the Miami Book Fair held the panel Miami Underground: What We Did Is Secret about Miami’s DIY culture in music at Wolfson Campus’ Magic Screening Room, presenting authors like Joey Seeman, pictured at left. NIKOLE VALIENTE/ THE REPORTERCreative Flow: The Miami Book Fair, as part of its Children’s Alley, displayed drawings for attendees to color. Pictured is a young man signing a community mural. ALEJANDRA QUIROZ/THE REPORTERAttention: A woman listens to the discussion panel, Punk Under The Sun: Punk and New Wave in South Florida, during the Miami Book Fair on Nov. 23. NIKOLE VALIENTE/THE REPORTER