Princess: Five-year-old Sophia Pena shows off her Persian Princess costume for the costume contest at the annual Spooky Night Event for Halloween. The event took place at the Fred Shaw Plaza at Kendall Campus on Oct. 28. Student club organizations handed out treats and hosted games for kids. The event was free and open to the public. KARINA CASTILLO \ THE REPORTER70’s Flashback: On Oct. 21, Kendall Campus held a 70s themed United Way fundraiser party. Last year, MDC students, faculty and staff raised more than $123,000 for the United Way. SKYLER JOHNSON \ THE REPORTERLatin Jam: Latin percussionist Tony Gundin took students on a rhythmatic excursion that showed the musical origins and evolution of Latin percussion on Oct. 19 at MDC North Campus. The event part of an array of events for Hispanic Heritage Month. JORGE ARENAS / THE REPORTERSpeaker Series: Former MDC student and current Metro Editor for the Miami Herald Jay Ducassi, talked to students about journalism. The lecture was followed by a Q&A session at the MDC Journalism Speaker Series on Oct. 26. AKEEM BRUNSON \ THE REPORTER