Season 4 Of The Umbrella Academy Leaves Fans Wanting More

Season three of The Umbrella Academy left fans at the edge of their seats. With a new powerless timeline, Slone’s disappearance, and the possibility of Umbrella Ben’s return, many mysteries were waiting to be solved.

After two years, fans were eager to tie up all the loose strings from prior seasons, but as the show reached its end, fans were left with more questions than answers.

The season’s main antagonists are Jean and Gene, a cult-leading couple who believe fractions of other timelines are entering the current one. With hundreds of followers backing them, Jean and Gene are trying to activate “The Cleanse,” which they believe will take them back to their original timeline.

In the season’s new timeline, the Hargreeves siblings leave the action behind in favor of a mundane life. Everything is going well until they kidnap a girl named Jennifer. 

That turns a family reunion into another journey to save the world. 

From the soundtrack to the script to the characters, the show leaves a lot to be desired. Multiple subplots could have been executed better and signature elements of the show are missing.

The fight scenes are nonsensical, the CGI is poor and the show lacks iconic songs.

As the siblings go from powerless to powerful this season, the siblings’ inability to control their powers, Lila’s out-of-nowhere laser eyes and Allison’s lack of her signature “I heard a rumor” line overshadow the refreshing new additions, such as Five’s timeline-traveling abilities.

Overall, the characters leave much to be desired. Klaus, who finally accepts and embraces his powers after years of using drugs to avoid them, ends up back at square one, enraged and hating them. Luther also gets this treatment, going from being the strongest, most capable character to being reduced to comedic relief.

New characters are not exempt from this treatment either. Jennifer, a vital character this season, was brimming with potential, only to be reduced to her spontaneous romantic connection with Ben and the unexplained fact that, as a child, she was found inside a giant squid.

A notable controversy the season sparked was the love triangle between Five, Lila, and Diego. Five’s decision to leave behind everything for love or Diego and Lila’s disregarded past all seem wildly out of character. 

Like most Netflix shows, The Umbrella Academy typically has ten episodes per season. However, this final season only had six episodes, which makes sense considering the rushed nature of the show’s end.