SGA Accepting Candidate Applications

Students interested in running for Student Government Association office for the 2017-18 school year must submit their applications by 4 p.m. on March 13 at their respective Student Life Department.
“I encourage everyone who is eligible to run because having the opportunity to be the voice of a plethora of students forces you to take initiatives, learn to work with others and become a changemaker,” said Kendall Campus SGA President Samantha Frontera.
The Student Government Association serves as a liaison between campus administration and the student body. Officers are expected to complete office hours and attend meetings regularly.
In order to be eligible, applicants must posses a high school diploma or its equivalent, be in clear academic and conduct standing, and be enrolled in at least six credits at the campuses in which they’re running for office, both at the time of candidacy and through the term of office.
The minimum required grade point average for aspiring candidates fluctuates from 2.5 to 3.0, depending on each campus’ SGA constitution.
Specific packages with information pertaining to each campus’ elections can be found at the Student Life office. In it, students can find out what positions are up for election at the campus, accompanied by a detailed description of each post.
Applicants will be vetted and notified of their status before March 20. Verified candidates will be allowed to campaign within restricted areas of their campus through April 12.
The election will run from April 10 through 12. All enrolled students—credit and noncredit—will be able to vote online 24 hours a day, by logging in with their MDC student portal credentials.
During last year’s election, voter turnout and involvement was significantly low.
For example, North Campus enrolled about 41,000 credit and noncredit students in the 2015-16 school year, according to the College’s annual enrollment profile found on the College’s website. However, only two out of six SGA positions were contested, and about 1,600 students cast votes.
At Wolfson Campus, three out of four positions were unopposed, and at Hialeah Campus, all officer positions were uncontested.
“This year, to increase turnout, rather than taking down our voting stations around 4 p.m., we have decided to extend the hours to 9 p.m. to allow the night class students to vote as well,” said Alexander Delgado, the SGA president at North Campus.
The results will be announced on April 13.