BriefingPadrón Campus

Student Writers Conference To Take Place May 20

Miami Dade College will host its third annual Student Writers Conference on May 20 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Students who register for the conference have the option of selecting to attend in-person or virtually. If enough participants select the in-person option, that portion of the conference will be held at the Eduardo J. Padrón Campus, 627 SW 27th Ave. The specific location will be announced at a later date.

To register for the event, fill out this form

The conference, which was made possible by the Humanities Edge Grant, will have mid-morning and early afternoon sessions. Nationally renowned authors such as Caridad Moro-Gronlier, Anjanette Delgado and Ariel Francisco will participate.

For more information, contact Omar Figueras at or Victor Calderin at

Liany Chavez

Liany Chavez, 19, is a mass communication/journalism major at Homestead Campus. Chavez, who graduated from Doral Academy Preparatory School in 2021, will serve as a staff writer and photographer for The Reporter during the 2022-2023 school year. She aspires to be a photojournalist.

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