
Kendall CampusWomen's BasketballSports

Center Signs With MDC After Defecting From Cuba’s National Basketball Team

When Susan Summons got a call this summer informing her that a six-foot-five-inch player from Cuba’s national basketball team had defected and was living in South Florida, she was intrigued. Five days after arriving in Miami, 25-year-old Lianyi Becquer Leblanch—who had represented Cuba since she was 16—got a call… Read the rest at our website.
A&EWolfson Campus

Freedom Tower Showcases Josefina Tarafa’s Photographs In Exhibition

Miami Dade College’s Freedom Tower, 600 Biscayne Blvd., is presenting Remaking Miami: Josefina Tarafa’s Photographs of the 1970s at their Cuban Legacy Gallery through Jan. 28.  The exhibition, which started last November, features the work of Josefina Tarafa. She was a photographer, editor and philanthropist who documented how Cuban… Read the rest at our website.
Padrón CampusNews

Student Uses Medieval Instrument To Connect To Spanish Roots

Beatriz Martinez Trujillo believes in paying close attention to your dreams.  In 2002, she dreamt of walking along a narrow path in a rugged forest in Asturias—a region of northwestern Spain. Martinez Trujillo traveled into the region’s steep hills, historic sites and blue-green sea along the coast.  “That dream… Read the rest at our website.