Pride Or Humility, Where Do You Lie?
Pride and humility are two very well-known characteristics, with each having different connotations depending on the circumstances. But which characteristic wins out to be the most effective in day to day living, and why? Well, first let’s learn about the terminology and implication of both.
The Oxford dictionary defines… Read the rest at our website.
Volunteers Needed For Miami Beach Pride Parade
Miami Dade College is currently seeking volunteers to participate at the annual Miami Beach Pride Parade on April 7 at 10 a.m.
Volunteers will have the opportunity to walk in the parade to support the LGBTQ+ community and receive a complimentary shirt. The parade will kickoff Pride Week at… Read the rest at our website.
Kendall Campus Pride Week Brings Awareness Of LGBTQ+ Issues
Kendall Campus’ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgendered and Queer (LGBTQ+) Pride Week kicks off April 6.
The event will feature a free photo booth, tie-dying with chemistry professor Larry Mailloux, a debate on gay rights issues between the Miami Dade College debate team and the Irish National Debate team and… Read the rest at our website.