
North CampusBriefing

Javier Romero of Sabado Gigante Fame To Speak At North Campus

Radio host and television star Javier Romero will speak at North Campus, 11380 N.W. 27th Ave., Room 2147 on Oct. 3 at 11 a.m. Romero will speak about his career in radio and television, sharing his experiences on the hit Hispanic TV series Sabado Gigante and as a morning… Read the rest at our website.

Reporter Sports Writer Lands Internship with 790 The Ticket

Award-winning student journalist Andres Jimenez, a sports writer with The Reporter, has landed an internship with radio station 790 AM The Ticket. Jimenez, 21, started on the Zaslow with Romberg & Tobin morning show on Feb. 3. The internship will extend  through the end of the spring semester.    His… Read the rest at our website.