
The Importance Of Being A Twixter

Illustration by Ann Baldwin

People go through many different stages in life; each stage being of the utmost importance in their future success or failure.

Throughout history, we’ve seen time and again, others repeat mistakes, such as: getting pregnant or married at the very early age of 18, or leaving home before reaching financial stability and thus having to work twice as hard at every-day tasks.

I believe that because we’re more aware of these factors, we’re inclined to wait until the appropriate time.

The people in this waiting period, which fall into the age category of 18-26 years old, now find themselves being referred to as “twixters” and this makes sociologists wonder, “Where did they come from? And why are Twixters taking so long to do what other generations have done so promptly?”

Despite the fact that this time period may seem like a delay, it is a necessary phase in a twixter’s life and will only further prepare them for impending adulthood.

The concern that sociologists have is logical, they are worried that twixters aren’t entering adulthood because they can’t and there are many indicators about a twixter that would suggest just that.

The fact is, twixters have the luxury of legally partying and consenting to many sexual encounters without repercussions (that is, until you catch something). However, twixters are also more focused on themselves, their future careers, and working to pay for school to be considered lazy or irresponsible.

Being a twixter is very complex and it has everything to do with preparations. Even though most people decide to attend college upon completing high school, not everyone leaves college having job security and financial stability.

Although being a twixter may seem trivial, it is in fact crucial in terms of today’s concern over the economy. In today’s economy, many employers are looking for people who can work even without a degree or formal education. Colleges were not doing enough to properly educate and prepare students for the real world, thereby resulting in students graduating without receiving employment.

Luckily, Miami Dade College has implemented many vocational courses which can help students acquire these job opportunities.

There is nothing more gratifying than being able to achieve success through an upstanding lifestyle and career. Twixters knows that they have a long time to live and they want to make the best of it. What’s ten years in the face of eighty?

This time can be used wisely to experience different career opportunities and to challenge one’s self without the added pressure of disappointing a spouse or a child. It may seem like selfishness to some, and at times it may be so. However, in the life of a twixter, there is no such thing as settling for the latter. It’s something that we’ve seen and we’re trying to get ahead of before allowing history to repeat itself.