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The Reporter and Miambiance Receive Top Honors At FCSPA Conference

Two Miami Dade College publications—The Reporter and Miambiance—received top honors at the Florida College System Publications Association conference.

The Reporter was recognized as the top two-year student newspaper in the state for the 13th consecutive year. 

Miambiance, the literary arts magazine at Kendall Campus, was selected as the top magazine in Division B.

Winners were announced on Nov. 17 in Daytona. Selections were based on entries produced during the 2022-23 school year.

The Reporter placed in 16 of 19 categories including eight first-place honors: news photo, headlines, news story, sports writing, editorial cartoon, illustration, humor and comic strip. 

Juan S. Gomez, the paper’s editor-in-chief last year, and Anthony Martinez, an illustrator, received Inner Circle awards for placing in at least three categories. 

“I’m happy our team from last year was able to continue with The Reporter‘s tradition of excellence,” Gomez said. “Winning this award for so many years shows the dedication of our publication.”

Since its founding in 2010, The Reporter has received 194 awards from the FCSPA, including 120 first-place honors. The paper informs students across eight campuses—printing 10,250 papers on a monthly cycle—and is augmented by a bi-weekly newsletter, website and social media presence on Twitter, Tik-Tok and Instagram.

In October, the Associated Collegiate Press honored the publication with its third consecutive National Pacemaker. The honor is considered the Pulitzer Prize of student media. 

Miambiance’s 33rd edition placed in eight out of 14 categories at the FCSPA conference, receiving first-place honors in three categories: photo, contents page and design.

Diego Franco, who designed the magazine’s 32nd and 33rd volumes, took home an Inner Circle award. He won first-place honors in contents page and photo. 

The magazine, which prints about 1,500 copies yearly, has won more than a hundred FCSPA awards and received general excellence at least nine times since its inception in 1989. It also has a social media presence on Instagram, Tik-Tok, Twitter and Facebook.

“It’s another opportunity for the students to be recognized not just within the school, but at a state level, which I think is really wonderful,” said Megan Carrion, who has served as the publication’s editor-in-chief for the past two years.

AXIS, the literary arts magazine at North Campus, tied with Aeolus and The Experience, the literary arts magazines at Daytona State College and Florida State College at Jacksonville respectively, for second-place in general excellence in Division B. They placed in five categories, including first-place honors in fiction and staff-page.

Two MDC publications placed in the top three in Division A

Urbana, the literary arts magazine at Eduardo J Padrón Campus, finished in second place. It placed in 11 categories, receiving six first-place honors: fiction, two-page spread design, photography, design, editing and staff page. 

Café Cultura, the literary arts magazine at Hialeah Campus, placed third and received honors in nine categories.

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Nikole Valiente

Nikole Valiente, 21, is a mass communication/journalism major at North Campus. Valiente, who graduated from City of Hialeah Educational Academy in 2022, will serve as managing editor for The Reporter during the 2024-25 school year. She was the paper's editor-in-chief last year and aspires to work as a journalist.

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