NewsWolfson Campus

The Student Life Department At Wolfson Campus Is Getting A Makeover

The Student Life Department at Wolfson Campus has been located in Room 2101 for more than 27 years. 

But this summerthat is changing. 

While the space gets its first overhaul in more than two decades, it’s temporarily relocating to Room 4101next to MDC Works. 

Renovations are projected to start in May and finish by the end of 2024.

Changes to the 1,000 sq. ft. facility include a new storefront, flooring, lighting and technology. The revamp will remove various walls to create an open environment for student collaboration. 

“A new, open space will offer students an accessible and inviting area where [they] can choose to work in teams or as an individual, host meetings, do presentations and [engage in] fun activities,” said Ana DeMahy, senior director of campus administration at Wolfson Campus. 

Student Life currently houses Phi Theta Kappa, the Student Government Association, the Inner Club Council and the Peace Center, where club meetings are held.

It also features a game room with a pool and ping-pong table and a room to make student I.D.s.

DeMahy, who served as Student Life director at Wolfson Campus from 1997 through 2006, said the space’s proximity to the College North Metro Station and Gordo Café made it a student engagement hub, hosting events like food drives, lunches, movie screenings and performances. 

Rising sophomore Matthew Rodriguez, who was recently elected Student Government Association treasurer, views the space as his “second home.” 

“Making [Student Life] as welcoming as possible is super important to leave that good impression for new students and returning students, making it a place where students are like, ‘Wow, I go here? That’s so cool,’” Rodriguez said. 

Mariana Triay, a sophomore studying biology in the Honors College, hopes the revamp will increase foot traffic.

“Maybe more people can see that it’s a great space to be in,” said Triay, who frequently plays pool with her friends at Student Life. “I’ve met a lot of people playing in the game room that I wouldn’t have met otherwise.”

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Nikole Valiente

Nikole Valiente, 20, is a mass communication/journalism major at North Campus. Valiente, who graduated from City of Hialeah Educational Academy in 2022, will serve as managing editor for The Reporter during the 2024-25 school year. She was the paper's editor-in-chief last year and aspires to work as a journalist.

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