How Voting In Favor Of Cannabis Can Benefit Us

Marijuana, pot, and reefer are some of the most common names created throughout the years to refer to cannabis. There have been a number of local companies who have popped up out of seemingly nowhere offering never before seen cannabinoids like CBD and delta 8 THC.
The word marijuana stems out of what came about as a dupe and marketing ploy to allow one individual in American history to profit from interjection of fear in the minds of subservient citizens.
Harry J. Anslinger believed that an innocent plant had the power to wreck his business and personal endeavors. Like in most rational and healthy humans, fear is powerful. Anslinger thought this out very well and schemed with cunning strategy. It is believed that he partnered up with various tycoons from the timber industry, oil industry, amongst others, and colluded to ban the use of any form of cannabis, essentially, breaking antitrust laws, engaging in criminal behavior along the way, for fear of losing business.
Power, money and respect gave him the leverage necessary to create this faux fear. I didn’t write this to make you hate this man. Like everything, nothing lasts forever. Truth eventually reveals itself. As some of you are starting to realize, deception is everywhere. You don’t have to look deep, just look at the candidates trying to become president. Laughable.
Let’s talk about something important, though.
A recent poll suggests that about 80 percent of Floridians agree with the legalization of cannabis for medical purposes. Do you agree with this? Stop and think for a moment.
Let’s say that all those Floridians go vote this November, and vote on Amendment 2. Mathematically, provided everyone can really vote, we will be granted medical cannabis. However, as it is known, it’s not that easy. There’s money pulling your favorite politicians’ strings, amongst other things. I’m not going to mention any names here.
Cannabis is considered to be a sacred plant by some and a coup de grâce by others. Still, the potential to help society is major.
Some states have jumped on the belief that cannabis will heal their problems. I like to think there is more than that. If the DEA was more open to allow freelance scientists to conduct their own research on their terms, maybe then we would discover even more potential for the plant. There are case studies that link the plant’s cannabinoids in aiding many individuals sick with cancer and other illnesses, but cancer treatments generate tons of money.
It used to be perfectly legal to have cannabis based medicine, cannabis filters, and other cannabis derived products. Prior to the banishment of cannabis there were even articles that talked about cannabis being the first billion-dollar crop. Coffee, and EpiPens are pale in comparison.
A billion-dollar crop, does seem like a great idea, but not when you are not the tycoon. I’m not asking you to legalize a “dangerous” plant, rather, I want you to choose. Are you ready to be unplugged?