Your Mental And Physical Health Depend On The Food You Consume
In the United States, more than 12.7 million children between the ages of two and 19 are obese and more than two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese.
Being overweight or obese is connected to more than the food you consume. Other factors include how fast or slow your metabolism works. But if you have an opportunity to help your body, take part in doing so.
The problem of obesity started when people began to choose where to eat based on how fast their food is made, rather than how healthy it is.
As mankind becomes busier and lazier, people have accepted the idea that junk food is the best way to solve hunger-related problems.
Sadly, even schools contribute to the unhealthy consumption of food.

Jamie Oliver, a British chef, did a TED Talk in 2010 about the importance of teaching children about food. During the presentation, he explained that a child drinking a carton of milk at school is equivalent to drinking soda and consuming eight tablespoons of sugar.
It’s an even bigger problem if a kid drinks that every day.
Oliver also showed videos of him asking elementary school students in England the names of certain vegetables and them not knowing the names.
Although we may not live in England, here in the United States things aren’t so different.
The culture screams junk food and encourages it. School lunches are basically just pizza, pasta or chicken nuggets with fries.
In order for your body to function, you need to eat what provides nutrients to your body. If you don’t do that, many of your organs will begin to fail.
So find a diet that works for your body and fits your goals. Be realistic. Don’t set unrealistic goals.
Start your day with a high-protein breakfast. Remember that the first food of the day is breakfast, even if that means you broke your fast at 1 p.m.
Avoid buying unhealthy foods because the less you see them, the less you’ll be tempted to eat them. Instead buy healthy snacks and carry them with you.
If you eat something unhealthy, that’s okay, just avoid overeating.
Make sure to exercise to let the toxins out of your body and if possible get someone to join you in your journey.
Practice mindful eating and plan before going out to make sure that the location you go to serves healthy foods.
Sticking to a healthy and appropriate diet results in fewer mood fluctuations, improved ability to focus and a happier outlook. It also helps with some of the depression and anxiety symptoms.
So if you haven’t been able to focus much lately or have been moody, check your diet (if you even have one) to see if you’re providing your body what it needs.