Your Problem Is My Problem And Vice Versa
The “it isn’t my problem” mindset is a major problem in this day and age. With the mindset comes the message that we are non-empathetic people and can only be bothered with things that concern us exclusively.

What is wrong with this mentality, you ask? If your home was being consumed by flames, wouldn’t you want other people to help you?
The majority of the time, people don’t care until a dilemma becomes their own. If everyone were to adapt this mindset, then the reality is that humanity would never move forward. If no one wanted to help you because “it isn’t their problem,” then what solution could be proposed as an alternative?
That question alone should push people to understand that empathy and compassion comes with a lot more power than estimated. The fact that a solution is so difficult to conjure is a sign that there really is no other solution.
If we managed to put aside our menial everyday problems, such as the number of followers we have, and instead focus on real problems, then real change would take place.
An example of a real-life problem that did not start getting attention until a few months ago is COVID-19. It started this past December in Wuhan, China where reports of citizens with a cough and a fever arose. Soon, this transformed into what we know as the coronavirus. Fast forward to the virus making its mark in the United States, and all of a sudden, people are alarmed.
This is a perfect real-life depiction of not being concerned until you are personally affected. We should adapt the understanding that a compassionate heart is what we must bear in preparation for events like this.
Overall, this mindset has become so normalized that no one sees the problem with it or recognizes its ignorance. It is time we dispose of this benighted mentality and teach ourselves a sympathetic ideology.