
These Tips Will Help You Succeed Academically This Summer

If you are reading this, you may be one of the many students who registered for summer classes and are worried about their academic performance. 

Your fears can be justified. As opposed to the fall and spring semesters, the summer term only lasts for three months. 

This means that assignments and tests can sometimes be crammed into the same week due to short six-week courses. While this can seem discouraging, here are some tips to help you succeed. 

The most essential skill you must master is time management. 

Staying on top of everything will be crucial due to the short deadlines. To improve your self-management, you can develop a schedule, prioritize tasks and eliminate pockets of distractions. 

Turning these tips into a habit will help you remain organized. 

If your class schedule is the issue, you can always connect with a college advisor to see what you can do to make your life and schedule easier. 

While tackling classes, one of the best things you can do is reach out to your classmates and create study groups. That will help you with assignments, studying for tests and creating a network of friends who will keep you motivated. 

To assist you, Miami Dade College’s Navigate Study Buddies digital platform offers a place where you can find and join study groups with other people taking your class.

Aside from managing your time and schedule properly and creating study groups, taking breaks is also important. 

While working hard is a virtue, it’s also important to acknowledge our limits and recuperate when needed. 

One of the best ways to achieve this is through meditation—which allows you to restore your sense of calm and balance. You can utilize any form of exercise as an outlet for stress. Not only will this improve your health, but it will also help you disconnect from your studies when needed. 

Aside from physical activity, spending time with your friends and loved ones will also help you preserve your happiness and prevent burnout. 

Thankfully MDC already offers a wide-array of resources to help you are always putting your mental health as your main priority. Take advantage and always take care of yourself. 

While success may seem hard to attain, staying focused and committed toward your goals will allow you to overcome any potential self-doubt or obstacles stopping you from being successful. 

The summer semester is never easy. However, using these tips will put you a step closer to having a fruitful and prosperous semester. 

Angel Araujo

Angel Araujo, 20, is a psychology major at West Campus. Araujo, who graduated from Monarch High School in Coconut Creek in 2021, will serve as a staff writer in the forum section of The Reporter during the 2023-2024 school year. He aspires to be a clinical psychologist.

Angel Araujo has 10 posts and counting. See all posts by Angel Araujo