Author: Alice Moreno

Padrón CampusBriefing

Padrón Campus Celebrates Hispanic Heritage With Literary Exhibition

Miami Dade College will host the second-ever Latin American Books of the World, an event that celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month by showcasing the work of critically-acclaimed Latin American writers.  Novels, poetry, children’s books, films based on books, and biographies will be posted on LibGuides throughout October. The exhibition can… Read the rest at our website.
BriefingHomestead Campus

Homestead Campus To Host Coming Out In the Hispanic Community

Homestead Campus will host its fourth annual installment of Coming Out in the Hispanic Community on Oct. 12 from noon to 1 p.m. via Zoom. The event will discuss gender roles, sexuality, the difference between gender and sex, and stigmas in the community. “[The purpose] is to create an… Read the rest at our website.