Author: Nikole Valiente

Kendall CampusNewsNorth Campus

Three Student Publications Are Finalists For The Pulitzer Prize Of College Media

The Reporter, Miambiance and AXIS have been named finalists for the Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award. Renowned by many as the Pulitzer Prize of collegiate media, the honor recognizes overall excellence in student publications. Winners will be announced at the Associated Collegiate Press/College Media Association Fall National College Media… Read the rest at our website.
Medical CampusBriefingKendall CampusPadrón CampusHomestead Campus

MDC Announces Leadership Changes To Its Top Brass

Miami Dade College ushered in various campus presidential position changes.  Alwyn Leiba was appointed interim president of the Medical Campus on June 17. Leiba, who previously served as the campus’ dean of health sciences, replaces Bryan Stewart, who was tabbed president of Kendall Campus on June 10.  Alanka Brown,… Read the rest at our website.
NewsKendall CampusMedical Campus

He Dreamt Of Coaching Basketball; Now He’s Campus President At Kendall

Bryan Stewart has a penchant for aiming high. As a five-year-old, he played basketball at his local YMCA in Denton, Texas. As his game and body developed, coaches inspired the gangly teenager to pursue a career in coaching.  “‘You’re not gonna be a coach; pick something else,’” Stewart recalls… Read the rest at our website.
SportsKendall CampusBaseball

Sharks’ Fernandez Earns Citrus Conference First-Team Honors

Miami Dade College sophomore Juan Miguel Fernandez was tabbed to the Citrus Conference First-Team by the Florida College System Athletic Association. The right-hander posted a 9-3 mark for MDC this season and struck out 83 batters while posting a 3.95 earned run average.  Sharks third baseman D’Angelo Ortiz, catcher… Read the rest at our website.