
Earth Ethics Green Fairs

Miami Dade College’s Earth Ethics Institute will continue hosting their Green Fairs and series of discourses on sustainability and environmental issues until March 28 at selected campuses.

The Sustainability Symposium and Green Fair began on March 14 at Kendall Campus with award-winning journalist and author Cynthia Barnett as the keynote speaker.

That event will be followed by a lecture by Barnett on the unmaking of America’s water crisis at North Campus and their Green Fair on March 28 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Activities at the Green Fair include table garden planting, product giveaways, and vendor exhibits.

There will be organizations such as Miami-Dade County Solid Waste Management and Earth Energy Solutions offering tips on managing the environment’s resources.

The fairs will present an opportunity for the community to acquire the knowledge to take steps toward preserving the environment.

For more information, contact:

Earth Ethics Institute

(305) 237-3796