Fun With Felines

Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek were in town recently to promote their new animated feature Puss In Boots, which hit theaters Oct. 28. Attending a round table discussion with the stars at the Mandarin Oriental on Brickell Key, I wanted to make my one and only question count. I chose the most philosophical question I could think of. I wanted to know—as their respective characters—what their preferred kitty litter was, and why.

Banderas: “It has to be a very special sand from the beaches of Miami. This is a stormy town and every year hurricanes come and clean the sand. [Puss] needs something very clean and so that’s what he does.”

Hayek: “I prefer velvet, that’s why they took my claws away.”

Mark Pulaski

Mark Pulaski, 29, is pursuing a bachelor of applied science degree in Film, Television & Digital Production in the School of Entertainment & Design Technology at the North Campus. He is currently serving as a staff writer of The Reporter. He was previously the editor-in-chief in addition to overseeing the A&E section and the Multimedia department.

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