Immerse Yourself In Live Arts Miami Workshop
Octavio Campos, a Miami-based performer and producer, will lead a creative workshop at the Koubek Center, 2705 S.W. Third St., on March 16-17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
He will teach participants about immersive theater—a performance art movement that allows audiences to interact with a production through their five senses—and how to stimulate viewers to engage with their productions.
The workshop is part of LABS, a three-part workshop series launched by Live Arts Miami and the Juggerknot Theatre Company in January to break down the art of immersive theater.
Tickets are $65 and can be purchased at
Live Arts Miami is offering five scholarships for Miami Dade College students. To be eligible, students must send a statement explaining their need and interest to at least two weeks before the session.
For more information, contact Live Arts Miami at (305) 237-3010.