
Keeping My Razor On Standby During November

November is the time for holiday cheer with Thanksgiving, Black Friday sales, and facial hair. Yes, facial hair.

If you look around and see men with scruffy beards and twirled mustaches this month, don’t look puzzled. Men are growing out their beards for No Shave November.

What is No Shave November?

No Shave November is a special way to raise awareness for prostate cancer by letting your

hair grow freely without shaving for the whole month.

Along with getting others’ attention for a great cause, it simply just looks badass to have your beard grown-out like a lumberjack.

This month you’re allowed to look like a Duck Dynasty member without your

girlfriend or boss telling you to shave.

How much more manlier can November be?

Other than using Tabasco sauce as eye drops, your facial hair expresses your caliber of man.

With men growing out their beards, November becomes a “who’s the manlier man” battleground between males.

According to the unwritten rulebook of men, if two guys with beards are crossing paths, the gentleman with the bigger beard has the right of way.

It’s simple logic to show respect for the other man’s facial hair as he has been growing it for quite some time.

With girls complementing each others’ shoes and purses, men compliment one another with “nice beard, bro.”

That’s what’s fun about No Shave November. It’s great to see a wide-variety of beards in public.

From the man with a light scruff on his face to a bushy beard that can hold your phone, it’s all in good fun and for a great cause.

Make sure to mark your calendars for every November with  ‘do not shave” written across and keep the razor on its stand.

Andres Jimenez

Andres Jimenez, 20, is a Mass Communications/Journalism major at Kendall Campus. Jimenez, a 2013 graduate of Miami Sunset Senior High School, will serve as a Sports Writer for The Reporter during the 2015-2016 school year. His interests include analyzing sports, running and cycling.

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