Miami Dade College Live Arts Awarded Funds To Continue Global Programming

The National Endowment for the Arts awarded Miami Dade College’s MDC Live Arts $40,000 to continue its stellar program for the 2016-17 season. The award will support the MDC Live Arts Mundo series. The NEA gives more than $27.6 million to arts organizations nation-wide.
Mundo series offers the world’s most intriguing acts. Past performances have included: a Congolese hip-hop star, a Rajasthani concert, the national theater from Scotland, a Jewish Yemeni funk band, and a pan-African jam session. This spring, the MDC Live Arts Mundo series brings Teatro Cinema, a wildly inventive Chilean theater company known for fusing live action and film projections to present the final piece of a trilogy on the subject of love, based a on novel by Régis Jauffret.
For more information on the Mundo series programming see: