BriefingNorth CampusHomestead Campus

School Of Justice Appoints New Associate Director Of Assessment Center

Veronica Gonzalez was appointed as the associate director of the North Campus School of Justice Assessment Center on June 19.

Gonzalez will help students complete the Law Enforcement Academy intake process and work with local law enforcement agencies to provide services for promotional exams. 

“I always wanted to work with students in the community who needed help getting information or getting connected to different resources,” Gonzalez said.

Prior to Miami Dade College, Gonzalez served as a graduate assistant at Florida International University from 2010 to 2012 before serving as an academic advisor for two years. 

After arriving at West Campus in 2014, Gonzalez served as a senior academic and career advisor until she was appointed as the campus director of advertisement and career services five years ago.

Gonzalez obtained an associate’s degree in psychology from Homestead Campus in 2006 before transferring to Florida International University, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in higher education in 2010 and 2012 respectively.

Nidley Charles

Nidley Charles, 19, is a biology major in The Honors College at North Campus. Charles, who graduated from William H. Turner Technical Arts High School in 2022, will serve as a briefing writer for The Reporter during the 2023-2024 school year. She aspires to become a scientist and publish academic journals. 

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