
North Campus Welcome Back Event

Miami Dade College’s North Campus will host Shark Pride Day, a welcome back event for fall semester, on Wednesday Aug. 24 between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m., then again between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Music, prizes and food will be offered to students attending both day and night classes. The daytime event will be held in the Building 4000 breezeway. The night event will be held in the Building 1000 atrium.

“It is a great opportunity to welcome the students to the North Campus family,” said Student Organization Coordinator Evelyn Rodriguez, who is also one of the advisers to North Campus’ Student Government Association.

For more information, contact Student Organization Coordinator/ SGA Advisor Evelyn Rodriguez at (305) 237-1643 or