
The Nutcracker To Be Performed At Tower Theater

Tower Theater will present The Nutcracker on Dec. 18  at 7 p.m. at 1508 S.W. 8 St.

General admission is $15, $13.50 for seniors and $11 for Miami Dade College students, Tower Theater members and Miami Film Society members.

The Nutcracker follows Clara as she defeats the Mouse King and travels to the Land of Snow with the Nutcracker.

The ballet is longer than two hours and is produced by Peter Wright, a British dancer, choreographer and member of the Royal Ballet, an internationally renown classic ballet company based in England.

Cast includes Lauren Cuthbertson, Federico Bonelli, Francesca Hayward, Alexander Campbell and Gary Avis.

For more information, contact Tower Theater at or at (305) 237-2463.