Screenwriters Don’t Receive The Praise They Deserve

The 2013 film The Wolf of Wall Street will always be one of my favorite movies. 

Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill, the Martin Scorsese film tells the story of Jordan Belfort’s descent into hedonism following his success as a Wall Street broker. 

While I was tantalized by the editing, acting and attention to detail, I wondered who wrote the script. 

After a quick Google search, I found out the movie’s screenwriter was Terence Winter, the writer who is also responsible for The Sopranos—one of the most acclaimed series of all time. 

How many people know who he is? While he is a prominent writer, his fame is nowhere near that of lead actors and directors.

We tend to only appreciate the people who appear on camera and receive the lights and public recognition. That’s not usually the case for writers, who usually never receive praise for their exceptional work. 

Think of the last article you read in a magazine, pamphlet or website. Think about the ones you really liked or found amusing. Do you remember the name of the writer? 

Chances are you don’t. Which is fine, however, we must consider the dedication, time and effort screenwriters put into the content we enjoy as consumers. 

Writers, just like any artists, are creators trying to build a career out of their skills. 

Aside from being an essential part of TV shows and movies, writers are also prominent in the music industry, as many artists perform songs written by external composers. 

Given that their roles are mostly behind the scenes, it can be easy to ignore their impact. Nevertheless, writers deserve the same recognition that other artists get. 

In a profession that is tough to stand out in, it’s important to support our favorite screenwriters. After all, their success depends on the number of people who appreciate their work. 

Next time a movie, TV show or play catches your attention, look up the writer’s name so you can continue to support their craft.  

Hugo Guillen

Hugo Guillen, 21, is a psychology major at North Campus. Guillen, who graduated high school from Colegio y Academia Trilce in Peru in 2016, will serve as a briefing, forum and A/E writer for The Reporter during the 2023-2024 school year. He aspires to become a writer.

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