The Evil Of Money And Power—A Character Analysis of HBO’s Succession

HBO’s Succession has enraptured critics and audiences alike since its 2018 debut. 

Having earned 13 Emmy Awards and a cult-like following, fans can’t get enough of the show’s gripping writing, powerful acting and unforgettable characters. 

For those unfamiliar with the series, Succession follows aging media mogul Logan Roy and his international media conglomerate, Waystar Royco, as Roy’s four children—Kendall, Roman, Siobhan and Connor—grapple to take over their father’s empire. 

Throughout the show, all of Roy’s children are haunted by the trauma inflicted by their cold and manipulative father, who instilled a “you have to be a killer” attitude that encourages them to obtain power through any means necessary. 

With its fourth and final season hitting the airwaves, fans of the series are preparing to say goodbye to the satirical drama. 

As the end of the saga nears and the battle to gain control of Waystar Royco intensifies, it’s time to take a deeper look into the characters that made Succession so memorable. 

Logan Roy

Recalling his humble beginnings in Scotland, Logan deeply resents the cushy life his four children have had from the profitability and success of his own work. 

While Logan displays a caring demeanor toward his children to the outside world, viewers are exposed to his rampant emotional abuse and narcissism behind closed doors. 

The show alludes to how Logan, who grew up in an abusive household, sees his abuse as a way to develop the same stoicism that helped him dominate the business world. 

As one of the most powerful men in the media, Logan has everything he would ever want at the palm of his hands. However, his power is so insurmountable that none of his children have the qualifications or experience to be a successful heir to Waystar Royco. 

Kendall Roy

Kendall, the most likely heir of Logan’s empire, is self-destructive and impulsive. 

Like a spoiled prince, Kendall claims he is ready to ascend to his father’s throne and refuses to take no for an answer. As the eldest sibling, he often asserts himself as the leader, even though his father is always the one pulling the strings.

As someone who craves his father’s approval, Kendall always comes back to Logan, even after a series of betrayals, hoping that he will one day become the favorite child. 

Logan, who sees Kendall as too weak and emotional, finds every opportunity to psychologically torment his son so he can control him. 

Roman Roy

Second in line is Roman Roy, who is the only sibling we see receive physical abuse on screen. 

Through his dark sense of humor, Roman often pokes fun at an otherwise cutthroat and dark corporate world. However, although Roman likes to play court jester, there is more to him than meets the eye. 

As the series progresses, so does his knowledge of the business world. He begins to understand the importance of making connections and unexpected power plays.

Knowing that his father will always dismiss him due to his struggles with mental illness and lack of maturity, Roman  finds other ways to prove himself worthy of being successor.

Siobhan “Shiv” Roy

As the youngest child and only daughter, Shiv is tired of being overlooked due to her gender and age. 

This makes her one of the best-written modern female characters in TV history. She shows how women continue to struggle to be seen as more than superficial “girl bosses” who are taunted for bringing diversity. 

Logan’s constant patriarchal pressures makes Shiv want to prove him wrong and in turn ignore her emotions. This makes Logan constantly test Shiv so he can see how far she is willing to go to prove herself.

Like her father, Shiv forms relationships based on what she can gain rather than on an emotional connection. With a husband that depends on her to keep his position at Waystar Royco, she tries to assume the role of puppet master despite her lack of emotional intelligence.

Connor Roy

Tabbed as the forgotten one, Connor is the eldest son from Logan’s first marriage. 

After being abandoned during his childhood by Logan, he became a fleeting afterthought. His mother, Logan’s first wife, was condemned to a mental institution after the divorce, scarring Connor for life. Due to the significant age gap with the other Roy siblings, he struggles to connect with them.

Despite his attempts to be a parental figure, even his siblings reject him because they are too distracted trying to take over Logan’s empire. As the least ambitious, Connor has never had a job until he decides to run for president. 

As the punching bag of the family, Connor’s self-esteem crumbles to the point where he becomes the only one in the family who rejects Waystar Royco and wants to forge his own path.  

Nicole Del Rio

Nicole Del Rio, 19, is an English major in the Honors College at North Campus. Del Rio, who graduated from Barbara Goleman Senior High School in 2022, will serve as A/E Editor for The Reporter during the 2023-2024 school year. She aspires to be an author.

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