BriefingPadrón Campus

Urbana Tabbed As Crown Award Finalist By CSPA

Urbana, the student-led hybrid literary magazine at the Eduardo J. Padrón Campus, has been tabbed as a Crown Award finalist by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association. 

Volume 15 received the honor based on its overall excellence and work published during the 2021-2022 academic year.


The CSPA will announce its Silver and Gold Crown winners at the College Media Association Spring National College Media Convention March 8-11.  Urbana has received a Gold Crown the past two years

“The students at Padrón Campus were engaged in this work,” said Emily Sendin, who served as Urbana’s advisor when the entries were submitted. “Year after year they have set goals, met them and overcame challenges.”

Urbana was founded in 2007 and has expanded to include a website, social media channels and a podcast. 

In the past year, the magazine has received a Pacemaker Award from the Associated Collegiate Press and a first-place Pinnacle Award from the College Media Association. 

Allyson Castillo

Allyson Castillo, 19, is a mass communication/journalism major at Kendall Campus. Castillo, who graduated from Miami Coral Park Senior High School in 2021, will serve as a news and briefing writer for The Reporter during the 2022-2023 school year. She aspires to work in the broadcast industry as a journalist.

Allyson Castillo has 15 posts and counting. See all posts by Allyson Castillo